Airports are divided into landside and airside zonesLandside descriptions cover how passengers arrive/depart the airport terminal building and move through the terminal building to board the airplanes. Airside describes the movement of the airplanes on the airports surface. Landside facilities may include publicly accessible airport check-in desks, shops and ground transportation facilities. 

At this hub, there are no physical runways or terminals.  Here, souls arrive and depart, each carrying the baggage of their experiences and the hopes of their destinies.  Navigating this spiritual airport requires not maps or compasses, but intuition and inner guidance. Departure gates lead to infinite possibilities, while arrival gates welcome souls back from their journeys with open arms.

Main Terminal: The main terminal serves as a hub for gathering and connection, fostering an atmosphere of inclusivity and unity.

Gates: Each gate represents a different spiritual path or practice, such as mindfulness, meditation, or prayer. The gates are marked with symbols and inspirational quotes from spiritual leaders, guiding travelers on their journey of self-discovery.

Departure Lounge: The departure lounge is a tranquil space where travelers can relax before embarking on their spiritual journey. Comfortable seating areas, meditation pods, and quiet corners are available for reflection and contemplation.

Arrival Lounge: The arrival lounge welcomes travelers back from their journey with a sense of peace and renewal. Here, they can share their experiences with fellow travelers, participate in group discussions, or receive guidance from spiritual mentors and teachers.

Cafes and Shops: Throughout the airport, there are cafes and shops offering nourishing food, books, and other spiritual items to support travelers on their journey.

Virtual Connections: In addition to physical spaces, the airport offers virtual connections through online courses, webinars, and virtual reality experiences, allowing travelers to access spiritual teachings and practices from anywhere in the world.

Mission: The mission of Haven Hub International is to serve as a catalyst for personal and collective transformation, fostering inner peace, compassion, and understanding in a world in need of healing and harmony.